Differently Talented Society of Kenya (DTSK) will be hosting a workshop on Saturday 27th November, 2021 at 12.30pm to 2.30pm.
Facilitator : Dickson Kambo an Autism Trainer in the U.K .
Dickson has 18 yrs working experience with children and adults with ASD, LD, suicide & self harm, and mental health. He started and has managed outreach programmes in London for National Autistic Society (UK), Part of team that developed TRIAD assessment, Autism trainer, Mental Capacity Act, and Person Centred Approach advocate.
We look forward to hosting many members in the platform.
Discussion Topics:
- Communication,
- Behaviour management,
- Positive approach.
Meeting Time: Nov 27, 2021 12:30 PM Nairobi
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/95154491480?pwd=YXI2RmxURWFkdXVITlY4dmVCNWJJdz09
Meeting ID: 951 5449 1480
Passcode: 246664