Please ensure correct information is filled in before you submit.

    1. To register / renew membership use MPesa:
        Paybill no. 400222
        Account number: 249345#Your First name
        Amount: 500
    2. Then send
    3. .

    4. For more information, kindly visit or call us:
        Office Tel: +(254)111-438968
        Facebook: differently talented society of Kenya
        Twitter: @dtsk21
        Blessed House, 106C 1st Floor Road, Exit 7
    5. Complete the registration form details

    Add your MPesa transaction code here.

    Please indicate you are registering as:
    Register as:
    Autistic PersonParentGuardianCaregiver

    CategoriesChildren Information

    Language, communication and skills

    Many autistic children develop language skills at a different rate and in a different order from typically developing children. This means…

    CategoriesChildren Information

    Development and Autism

    Autistic children might develop skills at different rates from typically developing children. They might also develop skills in a different…

    CategoriesChildren Information Medical

    Autism Diagnosis

    Autism can be diagnosed from 12-18 months, but it’s usually from around 2 years of age. Diagnosis usually involves many specialists…

    CategoriesChildren Information

    Autism and children

    Based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.), an autistic child experiences limitations in the areas…

    CategoriesEvents News

    20th Nov 2021 Workshop

    Differently Talented Society of Kenya will hold a caregivers/parents physical workshop at Marble Arch hotel, Lagos Rd (near the fire…